
Overall, throughout this project, I was able to establish that one of the key factors in producing a very good photograph would be based on how much time you take on them. Given the time we had, I was able to analyse that starting off on creating one project can still lead to other opportunities and ideas.

Throughout the actual project, I was able to acknowledge more on a religious faith and gain other sustainable information and rules regarding the faith of Islam.

I was also able to funnel through the understanding of acceptance of religion in specific areas, which reunited the entire faith all in one.

Through my final images I wanted to portray the meaning of ‘Islam’ which means ‘Peace’ This is one of the reasons why I named my website and portfolio peace. Through each and every single individual photograph I wanted to establish core statements of the religion, whether it be from the inspiration of Peter Sanders and his amazing and unique work on religion. However, on my website I also connoted relevant texts, in comparison to the religion which creates more meanings to the photographs taken.

To have improved my work a bit more, I could have visited other holy places of worship and checked if I could have got permission to take more beautiful pictures inside the mosque. The angles and posture could have been better and more improved.

However, I was able to pick up on a lot of great techniques and the use of adobe Photoshop has improved my editing skills immensely.

For future improvements, I hope to make more good use of the time that I am given, and use more of my creative side to picture a project more outstandingly. However, given the sources and the understandings to my project I am consistently happy with the chosen genre and culture. I feel as though I was able to express a story through images of a religion that I am myself.

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